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Headshot of Quinn

Hi, I'm Quinn.

I help people 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 and organizations 🌐 build systems ⚙️ that help them thrive. 🌱

As a CAPM-certified project manager, software developer, and process improvement engineer, I love blending information technology, human-centered design, systems thinking, and compassionate leadership to co-create systems, processes, and tools that help people do and create amazing things together.

I care deeply about the impact of processes, infrastructure, norms, and incentives on organizational effectiveness, team synergy, and individual empowerment and love collaboratively developing robust frameworks, structures, and workflows that foster organizational alignment, promote collaborative excellence, and drive collective progress.

Outside of my professional work, I've been a proud member of Giving What We Can since 2018 and dedicate 10% of my income to high-impact charities.

In September 2019, I completed a 4,230 mile bicycle tour across the United States to challenge myself, push my comfort zone, and expand my worldview. Learn more here about the journey here —

This site serves as a great aggregator for all of my technical projects, design work, and other things I do. You can also view my resume, my Impossible List, books I've read, and the different places I've been.

In my leisure time, I enjoy listening to though-provoking podcasts, jamming to jazz fusion, attending to my digital garden, and indugling in BBC Nature documentaries.

Quinn Road
Quinn RoadQuinn Road


"Quinn is great to work with and was an excellent hire. Although he was a new graduate, he possessed great technical skills and a high level of maturity. In his role, he showcased his ability to communicate with people regardless of their backgrounds and to collaborate with other engineers to solve problems. His communication skills in general are excellent; in particular, his writing is articulate and precise. His software engineering skills show similar traits to his communication. During our time working together, Quinn utilized Python to write several scripts to automate production tests. His code was clean and well-organized. As a Manufacturing Engineer, Quinn drew heavily on his background in mechanical engineering. He created numerous 3D assemblies of current products to allow models to be distributed to customers. He also created fixtures to aid operators in assembling products. Quinn set a high bar for himself whenever he took on a project and needed little management though was always open to feedback and suggestions"

  • Darren Weinhold
    Engineering Manager, The Fredericks Company

"There are some students that rise above what is offered by the typical engineering curriculum. Those that are driven by an innate sense of curiosity and purpose. Quinn exemplifies that. Quinn thrived in academics and took every opportunity to expand his experience at Rowan. While taking my Thermal-Fluid Sciences course, Quinn became interested in porting one of my engineering-related iOS apps (Clausius) to Android. This meant, studying the existing iOS app and its functionality, learning the Android development environment, and translating the same experience to a new space. When I offered Quinn to consider this as a "for-credit" project, he refused to let go of his existing engineering projects. He simply decided to pursue this as an add-on or a side project. Students who typically attempt this, quickly become overwhelmed by the time commitment and lose motivation. Yet, Quinn steadily met every milestone during his senior year. I am privileged to have students like Quinn and proud to have him represent Rowan Engineering."

  • Dr. Smitesh Bakrania
    Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Rowan University

"Quinn demonstrated the ability to multitask, work with others within the organization and self-direct his work to deliver solutions in a complex, ever-changing environment. The fact that he could do so over a short few months makes this even more impressive. Quinn is organized, thoughtful, and intelligent which are traits that will serve him well in any endeavor he wishes to apply himself."

  • Doug Wilson
    Director of Engineering, Inrad Optics