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Democracy Technologies: A magazine of the Innovation Politics Institute

Quinn McHugh
Quinn McHugh

#TIL about Democracy Technologies, a magazine of the Innovation Politics Institute.

They offer:

  1. An impressive database of tools to support participatory decision-making, including Polis, Decidim, and Loomio
  2. Introductory articles on concepts relating to digital democracy
  3. News, case studies, guides, and other resources related to innovations in democratic technology ...and more!

While many of these technologies are designed primarily for use by government & municipal entities, I'd argue they offer substantial value to any companies or non-profits looking to increase their decision-making effectiveness and capacity to innovate. With the ability to gather, aggregate, and make sense of qualitative feedback in a fraction of the time and cost of running traditional surveys, organizations willing to explore the potential of these cutting-edge tools stand to foster a culture of collaborative innovation, boost employee engagement, and stay resilient to disruption in an increasingly complex world.